The information contained in this material refers to the various companies that are part of Gávea Investimentos (“Gávea”) and/or their respective products. Gávea is not responsible for errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the content of the disclosed information. The information disclosed in this material is purely informative and does not constitute an offer to sell shares in funds managed by Gávea or any other mentioned asset. To confirm the information, please contact Gávea. The information in this material is in line with the regulations of the investment funds, but does not replace them.
The Information contained herein is solely for illustrative purposes and should not be construed as a solicitation to acquire shares in any investment fund. This information is not intended for individuals prohibited by law from accessing the contents herein. Our products are only offered in jurisdictions where they are lawful and are subject to applicable terms and conditions. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RETURNS. Investment funds are not guaranteed by the fund manager, the portfolio manager, any insurance instrument, or by the Credit Guarantee Fund (Fundo Garantidor de Crédito – FGC). Prospective investors are advised to carefully read the funds’ by-laws and prospectuses before investing. The performance shown here is not net of taxes but is net of management and performance fees.
For details on the returns for the previous month, current year, average monthly NAV for the last 12 months, date of inception, and other relevant information about the funds, please consult the monthly reports available on the individual page of each fund accessible on the Brazilian version of this website. There is no assurance that multi-strategy funds will receive long-term capital gains tax advantages. Certain Gávea Investimentos managed funds are permitted to make investments abroad.
It is not possible to guarantee that the professionals currently working for Gávea will remain in their positions or that the past performance or success of any of them will translate into indicators of their future performance or success.